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Raw vegetables beauty Yishou

People for their own health, began to eat lettuce to eat living food. Eat raw vegetables, raw wild herbs could not only prevent, cure diseases, and prolong life, in particular, can keep women one's face glowing with health, keep the youth, is a ready-made panacea renew one's youth.

There is a completely pure fresh lettuce therapy, i.e. more than five kinds of vegetables mashed food, daily eat about 1100 grams to 1300 grams, ate one and a half months. Here, eat only raw vegetables, onion. Stir fried cooked all don't eat. Sometimes the lettuce juice or mud and lettuceRice mixed together to eat. With this way of eating, the daily consumption of about 270 grams of rice, raw vegetables 300 – 450 grams.

Common vegetable species of carrot, spinach, easy raw vegetables what. The color red bee is not raw food, Fructus arctii. Carrots and white radish will also root and leaf eating the best, roots and leaves to eat at the same time, amount to roughly equal, generally one to eat five The principle of vegetables.

If the species of raw vegetables mixed together to eat, each kind of vegetables nutrition composition is different, can complement each other, the lettuce therapy can have better effect. Only eat two or three kinds of vegetables, the effect is not obvious, the infirm, for the disease to should eat more than five kinds of modified, healthy people Good health, eat three can be.

Raw vegetables, with roots and leaves should be roughly equal parts because of the influence of the sun, the leaves photosynthesis, contains rich vitamin and chlorophyll; root, especially the hair root, rich in organic matter in the earth, the lack of fresh vegetables in winter, select the root and leaf Each one can. Also it is good to eat the right amount of fruit. However, because the fruit tasty, often eat too much, but this is not good. Tomato, eggplant, cucumber, pumpkin and fruit, do not eat too much. Vegetables and fruits, fruit is delicious, but improve the body Quality, treatment of disease than vegetable effect is good.

Long-term adherence to natural diet with green vegetables, not only can cure many diseases, but also can make you One's spirits are flourishing., ruddy, healthy body, have anti-aging effect.

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